Position: Ph.D. Student, 2016-2020, (Electrical Engineering)
Research Interests:
Nader received his B.Sc. in 2013 and M.Sc in 2016, both in electrical engineering from Alexandria University, Egypt and Lassonde School of Engineering, York University, Canada, respectively. Currently, he is pursuing a Ph.D. degree with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Lassonde School of Engineering, York University, Canada.
His research focuses on increasing the green generation targets and supressing the environmental concerns through facilitating seamless integration of renewable energy resources and electric vehicles to power systems. He is currently working on developing advanced planning and operational control models to promote the safe transition of existing power networks into smart grids. Using such techniques, electric utility operators will be able to run resilient, reliable, and efficient power grids, as well as coordinating large numbers of smart gird components, such as and not limited to energy storages, distributed generation, electric vehicles, and two-way communication. Nader is also interested in the electrification of transportation system. He is working in a collaboration research with McMaster University to facilitate the implementation of electric buses into the smart grids.
E-mail: naderelt@yorku.ca
Office location: BRG 312
Refereed Journal
- M. Mohamed, H.E. Farag, N. El-Taweel, and M. Ferguson, “Simulation of electric buses on a full transit network: operation feasibility and grid impact analysis,” Elect. Power Syst. Res., vol.142, pp. 163-175, Jan. 2017. – link
- N. El-Taweel, and H.E. Farag, “Voltage regulation in islanded microgrids using distributed constraint satisfaction,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, appeared online 28 July 2016, DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2016.2596098. – link
Refereed Conference
- N. El-Taweel, and H.E. Farag, “Operation challenges of shunt capacitors in islanded microgrids,” in 2015 IEEE Canada Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), October 2015, London, ON, Canada pp.1-6. – link