Sarah Kandil, received bachelor degree in electrical engineering from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, in 2009 and masters of applied science in electrical engineering and computer science from York University, Toronto, Canada 2016. Worked as teacher assistant at York University and also worked for Toronto and Region conservation authority, Vaughan, Canada in a study of the effects of solar power arrays on the power quality of the Grid.
Refereed Conference
- H.E. Farag and S.M. Kandil “Optimum Planning of Renewable Energy Resources in Conjunction with Battery Energy Storage Systems,” in Fourth International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems (EPECS 2015) in Sharjah, UAE, pp.1-6. – link
- S.M. Kandil, and H.E. Farag, “Impacts of binding constraints on the planning process of renewable DG in distribution systems,” in 2015 IEEE Canada Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), October 2015, London, ON, Canada pp.1-6. – link
- S.M. Kandil, H.E. Farag, L.St Hilaire, and E. Janseen. “A Power quality monitor system for quantifying the effects of photovoltaic penetration on the grid,” presented in the 28th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 2015, pp.1-6, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. – link